What is a Stress Test and Why is it Done
What is a Stress Test
The heart is the most important organ of the body. It is very important that it functions properly so that blood gets pumped to the whole body. Due to different circumstances or family history, a heart might develop abnormalities or might function improperly. In order to check for different heart conditions, a doctor might prescribe different types of heart tests to make the right diagnosis, such as a stress test.
One such test is the Stress Test, known as an exercise test or treadmill test, that might be prescribed by your doctor if you have symptoms of a heart problem, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, or dizziness. In a stress test, the person is made to walk or run on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike so the heartbeat and blood pressure are monitored to see how well the heart is functioning. With this type of test, there is increased physical activity which leads to stress on the heart, and this test is used to monitor how the heart functions under these conditions.

Why is it Done
Let us examine when your doctor can recommend you to go for a treadmill test:-
- Family History Of Heart Problem:- If you have a family history of heart-related problems, then your family doctor might recommend you to go for different tests, and most commonly, an exercise test will be one of the them.
- Arrhythmias:- If a patient is displaying symptoms of heart rhythm problems, that is either the heart beats too fast or too slowly, then the patient might be asked to go for a stress test. During the stress test, as the whole heartbeat working can be monitored.
- Advance Cardiovascular Test:- If there is any suspected heart condition, such as Coronary Artery Disease, then the doctor may prescribe any more cardiovascular or other invasive tests.
- Checking Response To Heart Treatments:- If someone is already diagnosed with a heart condition and is having a treatment done, then in order to check the effectiveness of the treatment, the doctor can ask to go for the exercise test in order to see how well it is working.
- Evaluate The Heart Health:- A stress test is even prescribed to people who are signing up for special tasks which require a lot of physical activity or any program that is required to have a healthy heart.
The stress test is one of the basic and completely non-invasive cardiovascular test to find out how well your heart is functioning.