What is LDL Cholesterol, Symptoms, and Treatment
LDL is often labeled as ‘bad cholesterol’ and for the right reasons. It can block arteries by depositing itself on the inner walls of your circulatory system. If this goes unchecked, you can come down with a stroke and even a fatal heart attack.
What is LDL cholesterol?
Still, confused about what is LDL or what is LDL cholesterol? Well, here is a simplified explanation. LDL has an outer rim that is made out of lipoprotein. It has a center made out of cholesterol molecules. LDL stands for Low Density Lipoprotein.

Effects of LDL on your heart
As mentioned earlier in this post, if you have an excessive amount of LDL in your blood, chances are really high that your arteries could get blocked. And if that happens, you could be looking at heart attacks and strokes.
High LDL levels are also the primary reason behind Coronary Artery Disease. Here the arteries of an individual will become constricted and hard. In such a situation, blood flow will be hindered and your heart will have to work really hard to supply blood all over your body.
Find out the difference between LDL and HDL Cholesterol
Here are a few signs of high LDL cholesterol levels in one’s blood:
- Chronic pain on the left side of an individual’s chest
- High blood pressure
- Unexplained bouts of dizziness
- Difficulty in walking properly
- Difficulty in speaking
- Chronic pain in the lower portion of limbs, especially legs
The most effective way is to avoid the consumption of trans fats and saturated fats. It is a great idea to shed a few kilos of your weight and if you are overweight, seek help from a dietitian and a personal trainer.
More importantly, subject your body to at least half an hour’s physical activity on a regular basis. The said activity could be in the form of a walk, free-hand exercises, Pilates, Yoga or Rowing.
However, it is best to steer clear from alcohol, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, and recreational drugs.