Atherosclerosis and the Relationship with Heart
What is Atherosclerosis?
In our bodies, arteries are the connecting roads for the whole body. They are the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart and to all other parts of the body. These arteries need to be in good condition so that the blood can easily flow through the body. However, sometimes plaque formation happens. The question which comes to mind; What is plaque; Plaque is the substance that is made up of bad fat, cholesterol, and calcium. This plaque starts to accumulate inside the arteries and with the passage of time, it hardens and narrows the blood arteries, which start hindering the blood flow in the body. This condition where plaque forms inside the arteries and starts to clog them is known as Atherosclerosis.

Causes of Atherosclerosis
So the next question which comes to mind is, what are the root causes of Atherosclerosis? What is known that it develops over a period of time and the speed of its progress increases gradually. It is usually said that it starts with the damage of the artery’s inner lining. However, here are some of the main causes:
- Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
- High levels of Cholesterol and Triglycerides in the blood
- Smoking Cigarette as it leads to fat accumulation
All these factors either form the fat deposit inside the arteries or they help in the progression of the fat deposits. These can be detrimental to one’s health and heart.
Atherosclerosis and Relation with the Heart
The big question, is there a relationship between Atherosclerosis and the heart? Well, the answer is Yes. Anything which accumulates inside the body leads to harmful side effects. In the case of Atherosclerosis, the accumulation is inside the arteries which provide the blood supply. If the heart does not receive blood supply in the right quantity then the chances of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is always on a higher side. A person suffering from Atherosclerosis has increased chances of heart attack, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases as there is a reduced supply of oxygenated blood to the heart.
Atherosclerosis combined with any other underlying health condition that can put stress on the heart can be very dangerous and can even have fatal results. It can be controlled if diagnosed immediately in time with proper medications and lifestyle changes. Overall, one should have a good diet and an active lifestyle to avoid the accumulation of fats in the body. Arteries are the body’s railroad and they need to be in good condition to provide oxygenated blood around the body.