
What are the Arrhythmia Symptoms at Night?

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A heart with a rhythm showing arrhythmia symptoms at night

Heart arrhythmia is a term used collectively for many improper rhythm problems of the heart. These are mainly caused when electrical impulses controlling the heartbeat don’t work properly. Improper rhythms can be related to slow heartbeat, an unusually fast rhythm or even irregular beating of the heart during resting or normal activity. However, the question remains, what are the arrhythmia symptoms at night?

A fluttering or racing heartbeat can be harmless as well. The stage when heart arrhythmias are considered dangerous and life-threatening when certain signs and symptoms become more pronounced and regular. Arrhythmia symptoms can sometimes be detected by your doctor first, even before you have an inkling of such a problem with your physiology. So, irrespective of how you look at it, if you meet any of the symptoms mentioned here, it is a good idea to consult a doctor before passing your own verdict.

Treatment of heart arrhythmia can often control or cut the irregularities in heartbeat. Arrhythmias can lead to more severe heart problems or causes progressive damage to your heart, so ignoring it isn’t a wise decision.

Arrhythmia Symptoms

The more common symptoms of heart arrhythmia are:

  • A fluttering in your chest
  • Fainting or near fainting
  • Chest pain
  • Sweating
  • Tachycardia or a racing heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Light-headedness or dizziness
  • Bradycardia or a slow heartbeat

Always remember that all arrhythmias do not necessarily show symptoms. If you feel you have experienced any of the above even once, without having changed anything in your normal lifestyle, consult a doctor at the earliest.

Arrhythmia Symptoms at Night

Arrhythmia symptoms at night can include some of the above-mentioned symptoms, not all. Most commonly experienced symptoms include a feeling of an irregular pulse or a brief stopping of the heart, palpitations of the heart or fluttering in your chest, a very fast heart rate. Do keep in mind that sometimes, people with sleep apnea can also face similar symptoms. Irrespective of what you think you might be suffering from, consult your doctor if you or your family discover these symptoms to be regular.

Along with the symptoms experienced at night, if you also feel light-headed at odd times during the day, chest pain, shortness of breath without any rigorous exercise, you should have no doubt and shouldn’t delay a visit to the doctor.

Heart arrhythmias can occur to people of any age and gender and can also occur in seemingly fit and active persons as well. Most times, a minor treatment including some medications and specific exercises, or diet control can cause heart arrhythmias to stop or lessen. In certain other cases, detection and treatment of arrhythmias can potentially save your life by preventing even severe damage to your heart.

As a last bit of advice, before you actually go see a doctor, if you consume alcohol, or smoke regularly, it would be a great move to stop those if you find any of the mentioned symptoms. Apart from diet, medications and medical conditions, alcohol and smoking are the biggest culprits in causing arrhythmias in healthy people.

If you would like to schedule a visit with one of our cardiologists, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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